Raamanaatakam (Tamizh) (1976)
"The production gave full scope for Dhananjayan who depicted various rasas in such perfection as possible only by a genius"
"The dance drama, Ramanatakam was featured immediately after the intermission. Those who left, lost the chance to see one of the best dance dramas staged here...great visual impact which was enhanced by appropriate choreography when the dancers depicted the sea, the bridge and crossing it..."
"The role of Rama's father, King Dasaratha was played perfectly by choreographer V P Dhananjayan and Kaikeyi was played (also flawlessly) by his wife Shanta"
"Dhananjayan's manner of vivid and even emphatic presentation ensured popular appeal"
"A great reward for a dancer is not just that many spectators are pleased with the beauty of his vigorous footsteps and gesticulations, but that they share the emotional contents of the pieces interpreted. Measured by this yardstick, V P Dhananjayan and Shanta Dhananjayan came out in glowing colours in their interpretation of the Ramayana episode of Kooni poisoning the mind of Kaikeyi and the agony that Dasaratha undergoes as a consequence."
"Sans ornamentation and elaborate costumes, the beauty of the production lies in the lasting impressions the characters leave in your minds."
RAAMANAATAKAM - Details - Photo Album